目前位置>許子衡(Tz-Heng Hsu)

許子衡 / Tz-Heng Hsu

職  稱:
辦 公 室 :
分  機:




雲端計算、深度學習、物聯網智慧應用及技術、無線感測網路 、 多媒體傳輸系統及通訊 、寬頻網際網路 、行動運算 、同儕運算


類別 證照名稱 證照分類取得日期
 資通技術類 Microsoft Technology Associate: Introduction to Programming using Python資通技術類  2018
 資通技術類 物聯網智慧應用及技術IOT Application and Technology專業級 資通技術類 2016
資通技術類  物聯網智慧應用及技術IOT Application and Technology進階級資通技術類  2016
 資通技術類 Information and Communication Technology Certification Programs – Fundamentals level資通技術類  2016
 資通技術類 Information and Communication Technology Certification Programs – Essential level資通技術類 2016 
 資通技術類行動裝置應用Mobile Device Application專業級 資通技術類 2015
 資通技術類行動裝置應用Mobile Device Application進階級資通技術類  2015
 資通技術類雲端技術及網路服務Cloud Technology and Internet Services專業級資通技術類  2014
資通技術類Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) Authorized Proctor微軟公司初階2011/05/01
資通技術類Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) Authorized Proctor微軟公司初階 2010/11/01
資通技術類Microsoft Technology Associate: Windows Development Fundamentals微軟公司初階2010/11/01
資通技術類Microsoft Technology Associate: Windows Development Fundamentals微軟公司初階2010/11/01
資通技術類Microsoft Technology Associate: Database Fundamentals微軟公司初階2010/11/01
Rich Media Communication Flash 8美工/設計/多媒體初階2009/04/01


 1指導學生參加「南台科技大學第二十屆校慶學生專題競賽」獲得「資訊工程組第二名」-雲端虛擬化平台輔助教學系統,顏子倫、陳富展、吳愷倫,2017年12月 (指導老師:許子衡、洪國鈞)
4指導學生參加「南台科技大學第十八屆校慶學生專題競賽」獲得「資訊工程組佳作」-行動登革熱警示與通報系統,劉瑞顯,楊東麟 高崇文,2015年11月
 5指導學生參加「104年度全國大專電腦軟體設計競賽」- 「應用軟體設計組佳作」, "Final Mode"組員 簡明旋 雷勝博 劉宸佑,2015年10月
 6指導學生參加「2014 教育部資訊軟體人才培育計畫」- 2014年第34次ITSA線上程式設計大賽 - 績優團隊,組員 曾金豐,2014年10月
 7指導學生參加「2013行動終端創新應用App競賽」獲得「佳作」- 換換LINE主題,黃智彥、簡明旋,2013年12月
 8指導學生參加「南台科技大學第十五屆校慶學生專題競賽」獲得「資訊工程組第三名」- 緊急救難救護系統,林宗翰、謝寶毅、吳偉佳、洪志憲,2012年12月
 9指導學生參加「2011第二屆資旺盃 Android程式設計競賽」獲得「佳作」-手持式裝置開發之美食導覽系統-Eat大台南,羅民諭、黃棟樑、王思翔、黃庚生,2011年12月
 10指導學生參加「2011中華電信加值應用大賽」獲得「雲端應用校園組入選獎」 - 行動跑腿王,羅民諭,黃棟樑,黃庚生,王思翔,丘博仲,楊敍, 2011年10月
 11指導學生參加「南台科技大學第十四屆校慶學生專題競賽」獲得「資訊工程組第三名」,羅民諭, 黃棟樑, 黃庚生, 王思翔,2011年12月
 12指導學生執行「大專生參與專題研究計畫-無線隨意網路地域性廣播之效能模擬研究」(100-2815-C-218-015-E),羅民諭, 2011/8/1 至 2012/2/29, 行政院國家科學委員會
 13指導學生執行「大專生參與專題研究計畫-支援MPEG-21音訊內容調適之多媒體伺服器實現」(100-2815-C-218-014-E), 楊敘,2011/8/1 至 2012/2/29, 行政院國家科學委員會
指導學生參加2010中華電信加值應用大賽獲得花博應用組季軍(獎金10萬) - 花博大冒險,謝志叡、劉絲祈、蕭安佑、黃聖文, 2010年11月
指導學生參加第40屆全國技能競賽網頁設計職類大賽獲得全國第三名,李承翰, 2010年10月
Marquis Who's Who in the World, 27th edition, 2010
指導學生參加2009中華電信加值應用大賽獲得3G行動數位生活應用組季軍(獎金10萬) - iPPT簡報達人,2009年11月
成功大學 資訊工程研究所碩士論文口試委員,2009年
21 The 4th Workshop on Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Session Chair, Tainan, Taiwan, September 4-5, 2008.
22 中正大學資訊工程研究所碩士論文口試委員 ,2008年
2008 Symposium on Digital Life Technologies: Human-Centric Smart Living Technology, Session Chair, Tainan, Taiwan, June 5-6, 2008
24 中山大學資訊工程系資通訊課程演講,"Windows Mobile Programming", 2008年10月
25 高雄師範大學軟體工程系演講, "網路多媒體應用與技術", 2008年5月
26 國科會專題研究計劃 審查委員,2008年
27 指導學生參加2007年第三屆數位訊號處理創思設計競賽國內賽決賽獲得創意系統組第四名-具畫筆及手勢辨識功能之虛擬雷射簡報器,2007年10月
28 指導學生參加2006年第二屆數位訊號處理創思設計競賽國內賽決賽獲得網路音訊組第二名–支援掌上電腦之適應性無線語音串流系統,2006年11月
29 指導學生參加南台科技大學第九屆專題製作競賽第一名 - 虛擬雷射簡報器(Virtual Laser Presenter),2006年12月
30 Invited Talk in Graduate School of Information Science, Nagoya University, Japan., "User-Aware Prefetching Mechanism for Interactive Video Streaming ", 2006年7月
31 「中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會」榮譽會員, 2004年



1Tz-Heng Hsu and Lin-You Wu, "A Cloud-Fog Scalable Video Streaming Architecture for Multimedia Internet of Things (IoT) Devices," International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology, 2018.
 2Tz-Heng Hsu and Jing-Wei Wu, "Design and Implementation of a Hadoop-based Video Transcoding System," International Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol.4, No.2, pp. 141-144, June, 2014. (ISSN 2223-4489)
 3Tz-Heng Hsu and Yi-Da Li, “Soft-Qos Support for MANET Using Extended Multi-Path Routing Scheme,” Information-An International Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol.16, No.2(B), pp. 1359-1364, February, 2013. (SCI)
 4Tz-Heng Hsu and Min-Hsiu Ma, “On Combining Network Coding with Grid-based Gecasting Scheme over MANETs,” Journal of Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Vol. 38, No.1, pp. 101-122, March, 2013. (ISSN 1814-5426)
Tz-Heng Hsu and  Ying-Chen Lo, "A Network Coding based Rarest-First Packet Recovery Algorithm for Transmitting Geocast Packets over Hybrid Sensor-Vehicular-Networks," International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, VOL. 2012, Article ID 954398, 8 pages, doi:10.1155/2012/954398, 2012.  (SCI, EI)
Tz-Heng Hsu, Tai-Hoon Kim, Chao-Chun Chen, and Jyun-Sian Wu, "A Dynamic Traffic-Aware Duty Cycle Adjustment MAC Protocol for Energy Conserving in Wireless Sensor Networks," International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, VOL. 2012, Article ID 790131, 10 pages, doi:10.1155/2012/790131, 2012.  (SCI, EI)
Tz-Heng Hsu and Ping-Yi Yen, "Adaptive time division multiple access-based medium access control protocol for energy conserving and data transmission in wireless sensor networks," IET Communications, VOL. 5, NO. 18, pp.2662–2672, 16 December 2011.  (SCI, EI)
Tz-Heng Hsu, You-Sheng Liang, "Enabling Adaptive Video Streaming for BitTorrent-like Video Systems," Journal of Internet Technology, VOL. 12, NO. 5, pp. 813-824, September 2011 (SCI, EI).
Tz-Heng Hsu and Yueh-Heng Li, "A Weighted Segment-Based Caching Algorithm for Video Streaming Object over Heterogeneous Networking Environments," Expert Systems With Applications, VOL. 38, NO. 4, pp. 3467-3476, April 2011. (SCI, EI).
Tz-Heng Hsu and Jyun-Sian Wu, "An Application-Specific Duty Cycle Adjustment MAC Protocol for Energy Conserving over Wireless Sensor Networks," Computer Communications, VOL. 31, NO. 17, pp. 4081-4088, November 2008. (SCI, EI)
Tz-Heng Hsu and Yueh-Heng Li, "A Dynamic P2P Resource Sharing Architecture for Adapting MPEG-21 Digital Items in Mobile Networks," International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology, VOL. 1, NO. 4, pp. 39-48, October 2008. (ISBN:1738-9968)
Chung-Ming Huang, Meng-Shu Chiang, and Tz-Heng Hsu, "PFC: A Packet Forwarding Control Scheme for Vehicle Handover over the ITS Networks," Computer Communications, VOL. 31, NO.12 , pp. 2815-2826, July 2008. (SCI, EI)
Chung-Ming Huang, Tz-Heng Hsu and Ming-Fa Hsu, "Network-Aware P2P File Sharing over the Wireless Mobile Networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), VOL. 25, NO. 1, pp.204-210, January 2007. (SCI, EI)
Chung-Ming Huang, Tz-Heng Hsu, and Chih-We Chao, "A Development Environment for OSA-based Applications over the Interworked WLAN and Cellular Networks," Journal of Wireless Personal Communications, VOL. 40, NO. 2, pp. 245-263, January 2007.(SCI, EI)
Chung-Ming Huang, Tz-Heng Hsu, and Yi-Wei Lin, "REDUP: A Packet-Loss Recovery Scheme for Real-Time Audio Streaming over Wireless IP Networks," Journal of System and Software, VOL. 79, NO. 1, pp. 29-42, January 2006 (SCI, EI)
Chung-Ming Huang and Tz-Heng Hsu, "A Resource Exchange Architecture for Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Applications," The Computer Journal, VOL.48, NO.1, pp.53-71, 2005.
Chung-Ming Huang and Tz-Heng Hsu, "A User-Aware Prefetching Mechanism for Video Streaming," World Wide Web Journal, VOL. 6, NO. 4, pp. 353-374, 2003.
Chung-Ming Huang and Tz-Heng Hsu, "Design and Performance Evaluation of a Price-based Cache Algorithm for Mobile Web Services," Lecture Notes in Computer Science, VOL.2899, pp. 143-154, 2003.
Chung-Ming Huang, Ming-Yuhe Jang, and Tz-Heng Hsu, "FaxWeb: Accessing WWW using the Fax Machine," Journal of Information and Software Technology (SCIE), VOL. 41, NO. 13, pp. 859-876, September 1999.


 1Tz-Heng Hsu, Po-Hui Wu, Chao-Chun Chen,"Design of a Video Surveillance Record Keeping System using BlockChain Technologies," The 11th IEEE International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing, pp. 153-156,  Nanjing, China, August 22-25, 2018.
 2Tz-Heng Hsu and Wei-Ze Hong, "Design of a Caching System for SHVC-coded Videos," 2017 IEEE 6th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2017), pp. 608-609, Nagoya, Japan. October 24-27 2017.
 3Tz-Heng Hsu and Zi-Ying Wang, "A Distributed SHVC Video Transcoding System," The 10th International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing and workshops (Ubi-Media 2017), pp. 1-3, Pattaya, Thailand, August 1-4 2017.
 4Tz-Heng Hsu and Jhan-Rong Rao, "A Social-Aware Video Segment Prefetching Mechanism for Mobile Users,"the 9th IEEE International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing (U-MEDIA 2016),  pp. 96-99,  Moscow, Russia. August 15-17, 2016.
 5Tz-Heng Hsu and Lin-You Wu, "A Cloud-assisted P2P Video Streaming Architecture for Scalable Video Coding," The Fourth International Conference on Informatics & Applications (ICIA2015), pp. 89-94, CD-ROM, Takamatsu, Japan. July 20-22, 2015.
 6Tz-Heng Hsu and Jing-Wei Wu, "A Hadoop-based Video Transcoding and Streaming System for Mobile Users," The 4th International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science (2014 ICEAS), pp. 958-970, Sapporo, Japan. July 22-24, 2014.
 7Tz-Heng Hsu and Jing-Wei Wu, "Design and Implementation of a Hadoop-based Video Transcoding System," 2013 National Symposium on Telecommunications, USB Flash Drive, Tainan, Taiwan, ROC. November 15-16, 2013.
8Tz-Heng Hsu, Min-Hsiu Ma, Min-Yu Lo, "A Grid-based Forwarding Mechanism for Geocasting in Mobile Ad Hoc Network", Proceedings of 2012 Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Outlying Islands, CD-ROM,  Penghu, ROC. May 25-26, 2012.
9Tz-Heng Hsu, Yi-Hsing Tung, "A Geometry-Based Packet Forwarding Scheme for Geocasting in Vehicle  Ad Hoc Networks", Proceedings of 2012 Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Outlying Islands, CD-ROM,  Penghu, ROC. May 25-26, 2012.
10Tz-Heng Hsu, Yi-Da Li, and Meng-Shu Chiang, "A Soft QoS Supporting Multi-path Routing Scheme for Mobile Nodes in MANETs", Processing of the 2011 International Conference on Future Generation Communication and Networking (FGCN 2011), pp. 283–292, Jeju island, Korea, December 8 ~ 10, 2011.
11Tz-Heng Hsu and Chih-Chia Wang, "Adaptive Peer-to-Peer Video Streaming over Wireless Mesh Network", Processing of 2011 Electronic Technology Symposium (ETS 2011), USB Flash Drive, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C., June 5, 2011.
12Tz-Heng Hsu, Ying-Chen Lo and Meng-Shu Chiang, " A Network Coding Based Geocasting Mechanism in Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks," Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference Ubiquitous Computing and Multimedia Applications (UCMA2011), pp. 223-232, Daejeon, Korea, April 13-15, 2011. (Best Paper Award)
13Tz-Heng Hsu and Ying-Chen Lo, "A Multi-Forwarding Zone Geocasting in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", Proceedings of 2010 Workshop on Consumer Electronics, pp. 490-496, Tainan, ROC., November 5, 2010. (優良論文獎)
14 Tz-Heng Hsu, You-Sheng Liang, and Meng-Shu Chian, "A BitTorrent-based Dynamic Bandwidth Adaptation Algorithm for Video Streaming," Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference Ubiquitous Computing and Multimedia Applications (UCMA2010), pp. 51-62, Miyazaki, Japan, June 23-25, 2010. (Best Paper Award)
15 Tz-Heng Hsu and Yueh-Heng Li, "A Dynamic Cache Scheme for Multimedia Streams on Heterogeneous Networking Environments," Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE2009), pp. 91-98, Qingdao, China, June 4-6, 2009.
16 Tz-Heng Hsu, Yueh-Heng Li, and Meng-Shu Chiang, "A Transcoding Architecture for Adapting MPEG-21 Digital Items in Mobile Networks," Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE2008), pp. 361-364, 2008.
17 Chung-Ming Huang, Meng-Shu Chiang, and Tz-Heng Hsu, "A Reactive Tunneling (RT) Scheme to Improve Handover Latency over the Mobile Network Environment," Proceedings of the 4th Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (AICT 2008), pp. 277-282, 2008.
18 Chung-Ming Huang, Tz-Heng Hsu and Meng-Shu Chiang, "A Dynamic Forwarding Point (DFP) Control Scheme for Fast Handoff," Proceedings of the 33rd EUROMICRO-SEAA 2007, pp. 167-174, 2007
19 Chung-Ming Huang, Tz-Heng Hsu, and Chih-We Chao, "Developing OSA-based Applications over the Interworking WLAN and Cellular Network Environment," Proceedings of 2005 International Symposium on Communications (ISCOM2005), pp., 2005.
20 Chung-Ming Huang, Tz-Heng Hsu, and Ming-Fa Hsu, "A File Discovers Control Scheme for P2P File Sharing Applications in the Wireless Mobile Networking Environment," Proceedings of the 28th Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2005), VOL. 38, pp.39-48, 2005.
21 Chung-Ming Huang, Tz-Heng Hsu, and Ming-Fa Hsu "A Distributed File Service Architecture for Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Applications in Mobile Networking," Proceedings of 2004 Cross-Strait Information Technology Conference (CSIT 2004), pp. 96-102, 2004.
22 Chung-Ming Huang and Tz-Heng Hsu, "An Ultra-based Message Routing Architecture for Heterogeneous P2P File Sharing Networks," Proceedings of National Computer Symposium (NCS), CD-ROM, 2003.
23 Chung-Ming Huang and Tz-Heng Hsu, "Design and Performance Evaluation of a Price-based Cache Algorithm for Mobile Web Services," Proceedings of International Workshop on Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems (MIPS), pp.143-154, 2003.
24 Cheng-Ming Huang and Tz-Heng Hsu, "Design and Performance Evaluation of a Cache Algorithm Assist to Improve the Revenue of Mobile Service Provider," Proceedings of 2003 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies, CD-ROM, 2003.
25 Chung-Ming Huang, Pei-Chuan Liu, and Tz-Heng Hsu, "An Adaptive Architecture for Multi-Stream Authoring and Presentations in Distributed Networks," Proceedings of International Symposium on Cyber Worlds: Theory and Practice, pp.201-208, 2002.
26 Chung-Ming Huang and Tz-Heng Hsu, "An Intelligent Prefetching Policy for Interactive Video Applications," Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Information Systems and Database (ISDB), pp.349-354, 2002.
27 Chung-Ming Huang, Tz-Heng Hsu, and Chi-Kuang Chang, "A Proxy-based Adaptive Flow Control Scheme for Media Streaming," Proceedings of the 17th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC2002), pp. 750-754, 2002.
28 Chung-Ming Huang, Chi-Kuang Chang, and Tz-Heng Hsu, "An Adaptive Multimedia Presentation Architecture and System," The Seventh International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS'2001), pp. 63-70, 2001


 1許子衡、吳柏輝, "實作基於乙太坊區塊鏈的視訊記錄驗證系統,"  Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE 2018), pp. 476-481,  Cloud Space [https://goo.gl/C8kMfa], Tainan, July 6-7, 2018.
 2顏子倫、陳富展、吳愷倫、 許子衡、洪國鈞, "雲端虛擬化平台輔助教學系統, " The E-learning and Information Technology Symposium 2018 (EITS2018), pp. 14,  CD-ROM, Tainan, May 2, 2018.
 3Tz-Heng Hsu, Yan-Ru Jiang, Yu-Han Lin, Gao-Zhen Kang, Shen-Jie Wang, and Zi-Ying Wang, "A Cloud Health Management System for Personal Healthcare,"  2017  International Symposium On Novel And Sustainable Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, October 19-20, 2017.
 4Tz-Heng Hsu, Min-Yu Luo, Yu-Han Lin, Dong-Liang Huang, and Wei-Ze Hong, "SmartLamp: Design and Implement of a Intelligent Smart Home Iot Device," 2017  International Symposium On Novel And Sustainable Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, October 19-20, 2017. (Third Prize of Poster Competition Award)
 5Tz-Heng Hsu, Ding-Horng Chen, and Zi-Ying Wang, "Experimental Study of SHVC Scalable Video Encoder and Player,"  Proceedings of 2017 Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Outlying Islands, USB Flash Drive, Kinmen, ROC. May 19-21, 2017.
 6Tz-Heng Hsu and Zi-Ying Wang, "Design of a Social-Aware Content Delivery Network Architecture with SHVC-Coded Video," The 15th (ISAT-15) International Symposium on Advanced Technology, Tainan, Taiwan. November 10-11, 2016. (Excellent Poster Award)
 7Tz-Heng Hsu and Zi-Ying Wang, "Development of a Distributed High Efficiency Video Coding System," 2016  International Symposium On Novel And Sustainable Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, October 6-7, 2016. (Excellent Poster Award)
 8Tz-Heng Hsu and Zi-Ying Wang, "Implementation of a HEVC Distributed Transcoding System," Taiwan Academic Network Conference(TANET 2016), pp.324-327, Hualien, ROC. October 19-21, 2016.
 9Tz-Heng Hsu, Ding-Horng Chen, and Zi-Ying Wang,"Design of a Cloud HEVC Video Transcoding System,"   Proceedings of 2016 Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Outlying Islands, USB Flash Drive, Pingtung, ROC. May 20-21, 2016.
10 Tz-Heng Hsu and Ying-Chen Lo, "A Multi-Forwarding Zone Geocasting in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", Proceedings of 2010 Workshop on Consumer Electronics, pp. 490-496, Tainan, ROC., November 5, 2010.
11 Tz-Heng Hsu and You-Sheng Liang, "Decoding Order Streaming Scheme for Bittorrent-based Video Systems", Proceedings of 2009 Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Outlying Islands, CD-ROM, Kinmen, ROC. May 22-24, 2009.
12 Tz-Heng Hsu and Yueh-Heng Li, "A Segment-Based Cache and Replacement Policy for Multimedia Streaming Objects," Proceedings of 2008 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies, CD-ROM, 2008
13 Tz-Heng Hsu and Yi-Da Li, "Adaptive Multi-path Routing Protocol with Soft QoS Support for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks," Proceedings of 2008 Symposium on Applications of Information, Management and Communication Technology (SAIMCT 2008), pp. ,2008
14 Tz-Heng Hsu and Ping-Yi Yen, "A Cluster-based Traffic Aware Routing Protocol for Sensor Networks," Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WASN2007), CD-ROM, 2007
15 Tz-Heng Hsu and Jyun-Sian Wu, "A Contention Aware MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks," Proceedings of TANET 2006 Conference, CD-ROM, 2006.
16 Chung-Ming Huang, Tz-Heng Hsu, and Chih-We Chao, "An OSA-based Application for Mobile Users over the Internetworking WLAN and Cellular Networks," Proceedings of 2005 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies, CD-ROM, 2005


 1支援多視角高效率視訊編碼(MV-HEVC)視訊串流推播及快取架構之研究 (MOST 107-2221-E-218-025 -)2018/8/1 ~ 2019/7/31 主持人科技部  
 2人體骨架姿勢辨識評估報告(合約編號 15001070210)2018/5/24 ~
 3異質網路環境下結合可擴展高效率視訊編碼(SHVC)之社群感知內容傳遞網路架構研究(MOST 105-2221-E-218 -028 -)
2016/8/1 ~ 2017/10/31 主持人科技部 
 4異質網路環境下結合雲端運算協助之分散式高效率視訊編碼(HEVC)轉碼架構  (MOST 104-2221-E-218-007 -)2015/8/1 ~ 2016/10/31主持人科技部
 5華億APP訊息通知技術(產學合作計畫契約第161040140案號)2015/8/1 ~
 6異質無線網路環境下結合雲端可調性視訊編碼機制的行動社群感知同儕視訊串流傳輸架構 (MOST 103-2221-E-218 -018 -) 2014/8/1 ~ 2015/10/31主持人科技部
 7103學年度「產業學院契合式人才培育專班計畫」-智慧網路技術學分學程2014/8/1 ~ 2016/7/31主持人教育部
 8異質行動網路環境下結合雲端運算協助之同儕可調性視訊串流傳輸共享架構研究 (NSC 102-2221-E-218-016-) 2013/8/1 ~ 2014/7/31主持人科技部
9車輛感測網路環境下支援多媒體服務品質的多範圍地域性視訊廣播傳輸架構研究( NSC 101-2221-E-218 -050 -)


主持人 行政院國家科學委員會
10 車戴網路環境下結合網路編碼與多描述視訊編碼之同儕地域性視訊廣播傳輸架構研究( NSC 100-2221-E-218 -042 -)


主持人 行政院國家科學委員會
11 車戴網路環境下基植於網路編碼技術之同儕地域性廣播傳輸架構研究(NSC 99-2221-E-218 -018)


主持人 行政院國家科學委員會
12 以網狀結構為基礎的車戴隨意行動網路視訊串流傳輸架構之研究(98-2221-E-218-032-)


主持人 行政院國家科學委員會
13 異質無線移動網路環境下基於MPEG-21 SVC可調性視訊編碼技術之同儕運算架構(NSC 97-2221-E-218 -030 -)


主持人 行政院國家科學委員會

支援MPEG-21數位內容互通基礎架構之同儕運算網路平台研究(NSC 96-2221-E-218 -012-)


主持人 行政院國家科學委員會
15 支援MPEG-21數位內容調適機制之多媒體代理伺服器研究(95-2221-E-218-039-)


主持人 行政院國家科學委員會
16 學界協助中小企業科技關懷計畫-建構網路多媒體影音播放排程軟體研發能量 (計畫編號PS100171088)


主持人 金屬工業研究發展中心
17 學界協助中小企業科技關懷計畫-建構適地性擴增實境(Location Based Augmented Reality)研發能量 (計畫編號PS099110878) 2010/7/1~
主持人 金屬工業研究發展中心
18 學界協助中小企業科技關懷計畫-建構塑膠射出成型機械業之知識管理能量 (合約編號160980158) 2010/1/1~
主持人 金屬工業研究發展中心
19 教育部資通訊人才培育先導型計畫-97年度聯盟中心課程發展計畫-教材發展「行動網路用戶端程式設計」 2008/4/1~
教材編撰教師 教育部
20 教育部資通訊人才培育先導型計畫-97年度聯盟中心課程發展計畫-教材發展「無線網路安全性設計實務」 2008/12/1~
教材編撰教師 教育部
21 教育部資通訊人才培育先導型計畫-96年度聯盟中心課程發展計畫-教材發展「無線網路軟體設計」 2007/7/1~
教材編撰教師 教育部
22 96年度技專校院國際合作與交流計畫:東南亞際合作 2006/03/01~
協同主持人 教育部
23 95年度技專校院國際合作與交流計畫:數位教材庫技術研發交流與國際合作 2006/03/01~
協同主持人 教育部
24 教育部通訊計畫94年第二階段秋季種子教師 2005/09/01~


98 許子衡 MPEG-21 播放器 吳俊傑 吳政輔
夏啟銘 劉明峰
98 許子衡 具有影像處理功能之數位心智圖系統 曾祥昱 黃思緯
蘇襄靖 姚國鈞
97 許子衡 ActionScript橫向捲軸遊戲設計--三國戰記 駱易聖
97 許子衡 AES與DES編碼檔案加解密系統The file encryption and to decipher system of AES and DES 薛乃榮 孫啟唐
97 許子衡 JAVA射擊遊戲設計 (飛機射擊遊戲) 陳世雄
97 許子衡 網頁即時通訊 Page Instant Messenger 陳勇州
97 許子衡 自主發聲器 Automatic acoustical generator 陳仕傑
96 許子衡 多國語言視窗程式設計 Multilanguage MFC Program Design 吳坤建
96 許子衡 虛擬雷射簡報器 Virtual Laser Presenter 李明益 黃靖恩
96 許子衡 支援掌上電腦之適應性無線語音串流系統 An Adaptive Wireless Voice Phone Application using 柯德聖 黃庭筠
江明道 吳旻城


學年度 指導教授 論文名稱 研究生
 106 許子衡 可擴展高效率視訊編碼之自適應串流傳輸機制 王姿穎
 104 許子衡 結合社群感知的同儕網路視訊串流封包傳輸機制 童柏盛
 104 許子衡 針對異質行動網路傳輸特性設計之具有社群感知 能力的行動節能視訊片段預取及快取策略
 103 許子衡 基於雲端輔助之同儕行動視訊串流傳輸架構 吳麟佑
 102 許子衡 在車載隨意網路中應用十字路口轉送之多區域地域性廣播傳送機制 翁偉傑
 102 許子衡 結合可擴展視訊編碼的雲端即時視訊串結合可擴展視訊編碼的雲端即時視訊串流轉碼與傳輸系統 吳靖緯
 101 許子衡 行動隨意網路中基於多描述視訊編碼之地域性視訊廣播封包補償機制 黃群凱
100 許子衡 在行動隨意網路中基植於網路編碼之網格地域性廣播轉送機制 馬敏修
100 許子衡 在車載隨意網路中基植於網路編碼之幾何區域性廣播傳輸機制 董藝興
99 許子衡 無線網狀網路適應性同儕視訊串流演算法 王志嘉
99 許子衡 在行動隨意網路中基植於網路編碼之地域性廣播 羅英辰
97 許子衡 適應性Bit Torrent多媒體串流演算法 梁又升
96 許子衡 在無線感測網路上基於叢集式架構之具有效能通道存取排程 顏鵬毅
96 許子衡 基於片段式多媒體串流物件轉碼之代理伺服器取代策略 李岳恒
96 許子衡 支援服務品質之非相交多重路徑網路路由機制 李易達
95 許子衡 在無線感測器網路上可調整工作週期之流量適應性媒體存取控制協定 吳俊賢