榮譽與獎勵 |
編號 | |
32 | 獲得112學年度校級教學優良教師甲等獎勵(2024/10) |
31 | 攜帶型混合式綠電創能與數位孿生整合系統,2023能源暨工程創意競賽,財團法人麗偉基金會。最佳創意獎 (老師:機械系陳宥任及資工系張勝麟;學生:機械工程系石翊德、洪家冠、郭晉呈及資訊工程系李佳紜) (2023/12/05) |
30 | 宏業達,IMV科技創新提案競賽-入圍(獎金50000元,張再傳、張勝麟、張玉芬)(2022/12/11) |
29 | 探索大學微積分的自我效能感量表,2021 年科學、教育和可行工程國際會議 (2021 ICSEVEN),台灣金門。最佳論文獎 (老師:Shang-Lin Chang;學生:Yu-Wen Chang) (2021/04/08~2021/04/11) |
28 | Mashup 教學法應用於微積分課程,2020 年國際新技術與可持續技術研討會,台灣台南。海報優秀獎 (老師:張成林;學生:張宇文) (2020/11/26~2020/11/27) |
27 | 2019年第五國國大學暨技專院校地理資訊系統應用技能技能競賽-佳作-佳作(第四第四,老師:張勝麟:張勝麟張勝麟:張勝麟:宋泓:宋泓宋泓宋泓均 |
26 | 2018 NCTU-iAH (Intelligent Agriculture Hackathon)智慧農業黑客松競賽-佳作(老師:張勝麟;學生:陳耀達,張家維,李怡芳,吳宗憲)(2018/10)/ |
25 | 2018年屆國大學技專院校院校地理系統競賽競賽競賽第一第一名(團體團體第一專題專題應用(2018/07/06) |
24 | 屏東大學創意黑客松競賽-第三名(老師:張勝麟;學生:陳宇達,張家維,洪建甫,徐佳豪,吳宗憲)(2018/06/03) |
23 | 第六屆全國SuperGIS地理信息應用創意大賽-佳作(老師:張勝麟;學生:陳雅宜、何佩珊)(2018/03/01) |
22 | 第二十屆校慶學生專題競賽-佳作(老師:張勝麟;學生:趙崇智、鄭宇宏)(2017/12/02) |
21 | 2017年第三屆全國大學暨技專院校超級盃地理資訊系統應用與技能競賽-第二名(團體技能第二、專題應用第三;老師:張勝麟;學生:陳雅宜、何佩珊、楊勛鈞)(2017/08/11) |
20 | 南臺科技大學第十九屆校慶學生專題製作競賽 - 第二名(老師:鄭淑貞、張勝麟;學生:翁裕翔、黃崇豪、林雅苹、林郁珊) (2016/12/03) |
19 | 大專生研究計畫:翁裕翔,建立科大微積分測驗平台(指導老師:張勝麟) (2016/07/01~2017/02/28) |
18 | 南臺科技大學第十八屆校慶學生專題製作競賽 - 第三名(老師:鄭淑貞、張勝麟;學生:翁裕翔、黃崇豪、林雅苹、林郁珊) (2015/12/06) |
17 | 台中教育大學資統所演講(2015/12/02) |
16 | 2015年第二屆全國大學暨技專院校超級盃地理資訊系統應用與技能競賽-優等(實作技能第四、應用簡報第二;老師:張勝麟;學生:張尊惟、林雅苹、林郁珊)(2015/11/21) |
15 | 2014全國工業節能創意實作競賽 入圍獎(老師:張勝麟、蔡宗岳;學生:鍾意隆、林昇曄、卓佳穎、吳怡瑩)(2014/8/15) |
14 | 新型專利:具廣播麥克風之行動裝置(2013/10/25) |
13 | 新型專利:行人記錄器(2013/9/26) |
12 | 張勝麟:宏業達興業有限公司 視覺演算技術顧問 |
11 | 張勝麟, 第三屆數理科學營講師, 虎尾科技大學 (2012/12/14) |
10 | 南台科技大學第十五屆校慶學生專題競賽─ 第四名(老師:張勝麟;學生:吳俊寬、李欣耀、柯伯政) (2012/12) |
9 | 張勝麟,專業學術報告,清華大學光電所(2012/03/02) |
8 | 南台科技大學第十四屆校慶學生專題競賽 ─ 第五名(老師:張勝麟;學生:高伍彥、許紹沂、蔡育龍)(2011/12) |
7 | 張勝麟,專業課程教學改進研討會經濟類,主持人,國立成功大學教學發展中心 (2011/12/15) |
6 | 張勝麟, 精進技職生微積分學習成效之教學計畫--教師交換經驗分享, 虎尾科技大學 (2011/04/07) |
5 | 張勝麟, An adaptive multigrid scheme for computing superfluid densities of Bose-Einstein condensates in a periodic potential, 中山大學應用數學系演講 (2008/5/8) |
4 | 張勝麟, Computing energy levels of rotating Bose-Einstein condensates, 高雄大學應用數學系演講(2007/5/31) |
| 主辦The 3rd Workshop on Numerical Algebra and Applications, 台南縣大坑休閒農場(2007/4/20~2007/4/22). |
2 | 主辦The 15th Workshop on Differential Equations, 南台科技大學(2006/12/22~2006/12/24). |
1 | S.-L. Chang, A Multigrid-Lanczos Algorithm for the Numerical solutions of Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems, 成功大學應用數學系演講 (2003/10). |
| TOP |
期刊 |
編號 | 名稱 |
25 | Fang-Li Lin, Horng-Horng Lin, and Shing-Lin Chang*, Programming E-Books: Culture, English, and Scratch for Schoolchildren of Rural Taiwan, IEEE Transactions on Education, 66(1) (2023). 62-72. [SCI, IF: 2.74] |
24 | 林泓宏、蘇家鈜、張勝麟*,以支援向量機處理題型符號與文字特徵應用於微積分試題難度分類, 測驗學刊,68(2),( 2021),75-99。[TSSCI] |
23 | Shu-Chen Cheng, Shing-Lin Chang*, An Innovative Assessment Method to Establish Employability Map Based on Students’ Learning Portfolio, Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 77 (2019) 209-227. [ESCI] |
22 | H.-S. Chen, S.-L. Chang, B.-W. Jeng, C.-S. Chien, Continuation and stability analysis for Bloch waves of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, Numerical Algorithms, 77 (2018) 709-726. [SCI,IF: 1.366] |
21 | Shing-Lin Chang, Shu-Chen Cheng , Computer Adaptive Learning Platform for Calculus, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 10108 (2017) 153-162. [EI] |
20 | 張尊惟、 林雅苹、 林郁姍、 張勝麟,對國土空置地之探討,地理資訊系統季刊(2016),10(1) 22-25。 |
19 | S.-L. Chang, H.-S. Chen, B.-W. Jeng, C.-S. Chien, A spectral-Galerkin continuation method for numerical solution of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, Journal of computational and Applied Mathematics, 254 (2013) 2-16. [SCI,IF: 1.328(55/254)] |
18 | H.-S. Chen, S.-L. Chang, C.-S. Chien, Spectral collocation methods using sine functions for a rotating Bose-Einstein condensation in optical lattices, Journal of Computational Physics, 231 (2012) 1552-1569. [SCI,IF: 2.556(3/53)] |
17 | C.-S. Chien, S.-L. Chang* and Biao Wu, Two-stage continuation algorithms for Bloch waves of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices, Computer Physics Communications, 181 (2010) 1727-1737. [SCI:IF: 2.120] |
16 | H.-T. Huang, S.-L. Chang, C.-S. Chien and Z.-C. Li, Superconvergence of high order FEMs for Schrödinger equations with periodic boundary conditions, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, V198(2009), 2246-2259. [SCI: 2.129] |
15 | S.-L. Chang, H.-S. Chen, C.-S. Chien and D.-J. Han, An adaptive multigrid scheme for Bose-Einstein condensates in a periodic potential, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, V231(2009), 268-287. [SCI: 1.048] |
14 | S.-L. Chang and C.-S. Chien, Computing multiple peak solutions for Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices, Computer Physics Communications, 180(2009), 926-947. [SCI: 2.120] |
13 | S.-L. Chang, C.-S. Chien and Z.-C. Li, A finite difference continuation method for computing energy levels of Bose-Einstein condensates, Computer Physics Communications, V179(2008), 208-226 [SCI: 2.120] |
12 | S.-L. Chang and C.-S. Chien, Adaptive continuation algorithms for computing energy levels of the rotating Bose-Einstein condensates, Computer Physics Communications, V177(2007), No 9, 707-719 [SCI,IF: 2.300] |
11 | S.-L. Chang, C.-S. Chien and B.-W. Jeng, Computing wave functions of nonlinear Schrödinger equations: a time-independent approach, Journal of Computational Physics, V226 (2007), 104~130 [SCI,IF: 2.346] |
10 | S.-L. Chang, C.-S. Chien, and B.-W. Jeng, Liapunov-Schmidt reduction and continuation for nonlinear Schrödinger equations, SIAM J. Sci. Comput, V29 (2007),No.2,729-755 [SCI,IF: 3.016] |
9 | S.-L. Chang, C.-S. Chien and B.-W. Jeng, An efficient algorithm for the Schrödinger-Poisson eigenvalue problem, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 205(2007), 509-532. [SCI,IF: 1.030] |
8 | S.-L. Chang and C.-S. Chien, Numerical continuation for nonlinear Schrödinger equations, Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, V17(2007), 641-656. [SCI,IF: 0.814] |
7 | C.-L. Tsai, M.-C. Cheng and S.-L. Chang, Gradient-Dependent Model for Moisture Diffusion in Polymer Matrix Composite Laminate, Journal of Composite Materials, V41(2007), No.4, 419-434 [SCI,IF:0.971] |
6 | S.-L. Chang, C.-S. Chien and B.-W. Jeng, Tracing the Solution Surface with Folds of a Two Parameter System, Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 15(2005), 2689-2700. [SCI,IF: 1.042]. |
5 | S.-L. Chang, H.-S. Chen and C.-S. Chien, Multigrid-Conjugate gradient type methods for reaction-diffusion systems, Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos,14(2004), 3587-3605. [SCI,IF: 1.042] |
4 | S.-L. Chang and C.-S. Chien, Domain Decomposition Algorithms for Fourth Order Nonlinear Elliptic Eigenvalue Problems, Journal of Computational Physics,191(2003), 476-501.[SCI,IF:1.777] |
3 | S.-L. Chang and C.-S. Chien, A Multigrid-Lanczos Algorithm for the Numerical solutions of Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems, Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos., 13 (2003), 1217-1228. [SCI,IF: 1.014] |
2 | C.-S. Chien and S.-L. Chang, Application of the Lanczos Algorithm for Solving the Linear Systems that Occur in Continuation Problems, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 10(2003), 335-355. [SCI,IF: 1.042] |
1 | C.-S. Chien, S.-L. Chang and Z. Mei, Tracing the buckling of a rectangular plate with the Block GMRES method, J. Comp. App. Math., 136 (2001), 199-218. [SCI,IF: 0.567] |
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國際會議 |
編號 | 名稱 |
17 | Hong-Jun Song, and Shing-Lin Chang,Design of Calculus Linebot,2024 International Conference on Science, Education, and Viable Engineering, 馬來西亞, 吉隆坡 (2024/04/14~2024/04/18) |
16 | Yan-Hung Chen, and Shing-Lin Chang*,Using Machine Learning to Predict Student Semester Performance System,2023 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology, Tainan, Taiwan (2023/10/19~2023/10/20) |
15 | Shing-Lin Chang,Design of Chatbot Applied to Calculus,2023 International Conference on Science, Education, and Viable Engineering, 日本, 大阪 (2023/04/12~2023/04/16) |
14 | Shing-Lin Chang,Using GeoGebra Aids in Calculus Courses,2022 International Conference on Science, Education, and Viable Engineering, 越南 , 河內 (2023/01/11~2023/01/15) |
13 | Hong-Jun Song, and Shing-Lin Chang*,Word Construction for Calculus Chatbots,2022 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology, Tainan, Taiwan (2022/10/27~2022/10/28) |
12 | Shing-Lin Chang,To evaluate GeoGebra in the learning process of Calculus,2021 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology, Tainan, Taiwan (2021/11/18~2021/11/19) |
11 | Yu-Wen Chang, and Shing-Lin Chang* ,Explore the Self-Efficacy Scale of University Calculus,2021 International Conference on Science, Education, and Viable Engineering, Kinmen, Taiwan (2021/04/08~2021/04/11) |
10 | Yu-Wen Chang, and Shing-Lin Chang* ,Mashup Teaching Method Applied to Calculus Course,2020 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology, Tainan, Taiwan (2020/11/26~2020/11/27) |
9 | Horng-Horng Lin, Chia-Hong Su, and Shing-Lin Chang* ,Difficulty Level Classification of Calculus Exam Questions Based on Descriptive Symbol and Text Features of Questions,The 6th IEEE and 7th The International Conference on Science, Education and Viable Engineering (ICSEVEN 2020),澎湖 (2020/11/5~2020/11/8) |
8 | 蘇家鈜,林泓宏、張勝麟* ,人工智慧應用於試題難度分類,第十三屆海峽兩岸心理與教育測驗學術研討會暨中國測驗學會年會,
日月潭教師會館 (2018/10/19~2018/10/21) |
7 | 林泓宏、席家年、鄭淑真 、張韶華、林芳俐、蘇嘉祥、李育強、張勝麟* , 國小程式跨專業教學實驗,2017偏鄉學校教育與教學創新國際研討會,
台灣師範大學 (2017/10/20~2017/10/21) |
6 | Shing-Lin Chang , Fourier collocation methods for Schrödinger eigenvalue problems with periodic bounded condition,15th International Symposium on Advanced Technology,
Tainan, TAIWAN(2016/11/10~2016/11/11) |
5 | Shing-Lin Chang and Shu-Chen Cheng ,Computer Adaptive Learning Platform for Calculus,The 1st International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Education (SETE 2016), Rome,Italy (2016/10/26~2016/10/29) |
4 | Shing-Lin Chang and Shu-Chen Cheng ,Assessment of the Difficulty of Items in Computer Adaptive Learning Platform for Calculus,2016 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON NOVEL AND SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGY,
Tainan, TAIWAN(2016/10/6~2016/10/7) |
3 | 張勝麟、鄭淑真,電腦適性化微積分學習平台,第二十屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會 (GCCCE2016),香港,(2016/05) |
2 | Shu-Chen Cheng , Peter T.Y. Shih, Shing-Lin Chang, Guan-Yu Chen, The Design Of An Interactive E-Learning Platform For Surveying Exercise, The 32nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing in Conjunction with ISPRS workshop: E-Learning 2011 within ACRS, OCT. 2011. (ISBN978-986-02-9190-2) |
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國內會議 |
編號 | 名稱 |
43 | 張勝麟,微積分語音機器人設計與教學實踐,113年國家科學及技術委員會數學教育學門專題研究計畫成果討論會,國立清華大學(2024/11/15~2024/11/16) |
42 | 張勝麟,合作學習應用與微積分課程,112教育部教學實踐研究計畫-數理學門成果交流會,國立中山大學(2024/08/15) |
41 | 張勝麟,應用於微積分的智慧型代理人系統設計及分析,112年國家科學及技術委員會數學教育學門專題研究計畫成果討論會,國立中山大學(2023/11/18~2023/11/19) |
40 | 張勝麟,微積分聊天機器人的教學實踐與系統設計,112年國家科學及技術委員會數學教育學門專題研究計畫成果討論會,國立中山大學(2023/11/18~2023/11/19) |
39 | 張勝麟,應用於微積分的智慧型代理人系統設計及分析,111年數學教育學門專題研究計畫成果討論會,龍潭悅華大酒店(2022/11/11~2022/11/12) |
38 | 張勝麟,深度學習在微積分試題的分析,111年數學教育學門專題研究計畫成果討論會,龍潭悅華大酒店(2022/11/11~2022/11/12) |
37 | 林芳俐、張勝麟、何俊毅*、林泓宏,結合程式與英語跨領域應用的創新課程,2022自主學習及教育創新的探究與實踐研討會,南臺科技大學師資培育中心(2022/6/11~2022/6/11) |
36 | 張勝麟,深度學習在微積分試題的分析(2/2),2021數學教育學門專題研究計畫成果討論會,嘉義大學(2021/11/26~2021/11/27) |
35 | 林泓宏*、林郁姍、林柏豪、張勝麟、張財榮、郭禹廷、周怡甄、丹奕成,Rib Fracture Identification Using Thoracic X-Ray Images with Heterogeneous 2D Data Augmentation from 3D CT Scans,第 34 屆電腦視覺圖學及影像處理研討會(CVGIP 2021),國立台北科技大學(2021/08/22~2021/08/24) |
34 | 張勝麟,運用GeoGebra教具於數學課程,109教育部教學實踐研究計畫-工程學門、數理學門暨社會(含法政)學門成果交流會,國立宜蘭大學(2021/08/17~2021/08/17) |
33 | 林芳俐、林泓宏、張勝麟*,偏鄉學童利用Scratch製作在地文化之動態英語繪本,第十六屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 ,國立宜蘭大學(2021/03/25~2021/03/26) |
32 | 張勝麟,深度學習在微積分試題的分析(1/2),2020數學教育學門專題研究計畫成果討論會 ,台中教育大學(2020/11/27~2020/11/28) |
31 | 張勝麟,混搭式的教學設計應用於微積分課程,108 年工程學門、數理學門暨社會(含法政)學門成果交流會,交通大學(2020/08/24~2020/08/24) |
30 | 張勝麟,應用人工智慧微積分學習平台在能力加值及多媒體教材的教學探討,第18屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會,惠蓀林場,中興大學(2019/05/24~2019/05/26) |
29 | 鄭淑真、翁裕翔、張勝麟*,以學習歷程自動調整學習者能力及試題難易度,第十四屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 TWELF 2019,國立雲林科技大學(2019/03/21~2019/03/22) |
28 | 張勝麟,Fourier Collocation Methods for Semilinear Elliptic Eigenvalue Problem,第四屆台灣工業與應用數學會年會,惠蓀林場,中興大學(2016/05/28~2016/05/29) |
27 | S.-L. Chang, Spectral Collocation Method Using Sine Functions for Rotating Two-component Bose-Einstein Condensation in Optical Lattices, Conference on Computational Mathematics and Annual Meeting of TWSIAM, 靜宜大學 (2013/6) |
26 | S.-L. Chang, Fourier collocation methods for Bloch waves of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices, 2013 南區科學計算與應用研討會, 台南大學 (2013/2) |
25 | S.-L. Chang, Two-parameter continuation algorithms using Fourier collocation for Bloch waves of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices, 第二屆海峽兩岸計算數學研討會, 中山大學(2012/7/27~2012/7/30) |
24 | 鄭淑真*、張勝麟、陳冠宇、史天元,以合作學習為基礎應用於測量實習課程之數位學習平台,第七屆台灣數位學習發展研討會,2011年11月。 |
23 | 林志鴻, 席家年, 張勝麟, 賴伯泓,以雙視訊建立物體三維資訊,2011 數位生活科技研討會,雲林科技大學資訊工程系(2011/7/7~2011/7/8) |
22 | 林志鴻, 張勝麟, 席家年, 許欽和,探討核函數在影像中物件模型匹配之影響,2011 數位生活科技研討會,雲林科技大學資訊工程系(2011/7/7~2011/7/8) |
21 | S.-L. Chang, Fourier collocation method for Gross-Pitaevskii equation, 7th Workshop of Numerical Algebra and Applications, 嘉義大學應用數學系, 南投溪頭立德飯店 (2011/6/11~2011/6/12) |
20 | S.-L. Chang, Continuation-Fourier Collocation Algorithms for Bloch Waves of Bose-Einstein Condensates in Optical Lattices, The 12th Workshop on Computational Mathematics, 交通大學應用數學系、數學建模與科學計算研究中心 (2011/4/22~2011/4/23) |
19 | S.-L. Chang, Pseudo-spectral method for Bloch waves of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices, 2011 南區科學計算與應用研討會, 國家理論科學研究中心(南區) (2011/2/26) |
18 | S.-L. Chang, Computing energy levels of rotating Bose-Einstein condensates in a periodic potential, The 6th Workshop on Numerical Algebra and Applications, 台灣師範大學數學系(2010/5/1~2010/5/2) |
17 | S.-L. Chang, Multigrid continuation algorithm with inexact Newton iterations for Bose-Einstein condensates in a periodic potential, 2009年數學學術研討會暨中華民國數學會年會,國立中正大學數學系(2009/12/4~2009/12/6) |
16 | S.-L. Chang, C.-S. Chien and Biao Wu, Two-stage continuation algorithms for computing superflow of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices, The workshop on computational mathematics and mechanics, 東海大學數學系 (2009/4/17~2009/4/20) |
15 | S.-L. Chang, H.-S. Chen, C.-S. Chien and D.-J. Han, An adaptive multigrid scheme for Bose-Einstein condensates in a periodic potential, The workshop on computational mathematics and mechanics, 東海大學數學系 (2009/4/17~2009/4/20) |
14 | S.-L. Chang, C.-S. Chien and Biao Wu, A two-stage continuation algorithm for Bloch waves of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices, The 17th Workshop on Differential Equations, 高雄大學應用數學系(2009/1/9~2009/1/11) |
13 | S.-L. Chang and C.-S. Chien, Adaptive continuation algorithms for computing energy levels of the rotating Bose-Einstein condensates, The 3rd Workshop on Numerical Algebra and Applications, 台南縣大坑休閒農場(2007/4/20~2007/4/22). |
12 | S.-L. Chang and C.-S. Chien, Complex continuation for rotating Bose-Einstein condensates, The 15th Workshop on Differential Equations, 南台科技大學(2006/12/22~2006/12/24). |
11 | 鄭明昌、蔡佐良、張勝麟,變動環境條件中滲透理論推導,中華民國第八屆結構工程研討會,日月潭青年活動中心(2006/9/1~2006/9/3). |
10 | S.-L. Chang, Liapunov-Schmidt reduction and numerical continuation for nonlinear Schrödinger equations, 2nd Workshop of Numerical Algebra and Applications, 2006, p.10, 南投縣日月潭景聖樓 (2006/4/14~2006/4/16) |
9 | S.-L. Chang, C.-S. Chien and B.-W. Jeng, Computing wave functions of nonlinear Schrödinger equations: A Steady-State approach, International workshop on scientific computing, Condensed Matter Science & Physics Building, National Taiwan University, (2006/6/26~2006/6/30). |
8 | S.-L. Chang and C.-S. Chien, Liapunov-Schmidt reduction and continuation for the couped nonlinear Schrödinger equations, 2005 AMS-TMS, 東海大學 (2005/12/14~2005/12/18) |
7 | S.-L. Chang and C.-S. Wang, Numerical Computation for Eigenvalue Problems of Discretization of Membranes with Stringers, Workshop of Numerical Algebra and Applications 2004, p.11, 台南縣新化農場 (2004/12/31~2005/1/2) |
6 | S.-L. Chang, Application of the Domain Decomposition Algorithm to Solving the Fourth Order Plate Problems, The 17th technological and vocational education conference of R. O. C.,pp.1857-1866 (2002). |
5 | S.-L. Chang and C.-S. Chien, Exploiting Domain Decomposition Method and Symmetry for Fourth Order Plate Problems, 2000年(第五屆)計算數學研討會,成功大學 (2000). |
4 | S.-L. Chang, Lanczos-Galerkin 投影方法解對稱線性系統的研究, The 15th technological and vocational education conference of R. O. C., pp.185-194 (2000). |
3 | E.L.Allgower, C.-S. Chien, S.-L. Chang and H.-S. Chou, Symmetry Reductions for Triangular Solutions of Semilinear Elliptic Problems, 第八屆微分方程研討會, 中山大學, pp.135-168 (2000). |
2 | C.-S. Chien, M.-S. Chen and S.-L. Chang, Double Bifurcation in Fourth Order Clamped Plate Problems, The Proceedings of the 13th technological & vocational education conference of R.O.C., pp.171-180 (1998). |
1 | C.-S. Chien, S.-L. Chang, and Z. Mei, Implementing Block GMRES for the Numerical Solutions of the von Karman Equations, 1999 Mathematics Conference and Annual Meeting of Mathematical Society of R. O. C., 輔仁大學 (1999). |
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